Is this modern age, life is busy. We end our days physically and spiritually spent. You need a way to pray without ceasing! Discover how to pray without ceasing despite your busy days.
We always seem to be on the go and our to-do list for the day seems never-ending. How do connect with God during the course of our busy days? How do we get strength and direction to be the witness that we want to be in the middle of our overwhelm and work?
Discover what it means to pray without ceasing and how to pray without ceasing in 5 creative ways.

How Often Does the Bible Tell Us to Pray?
“But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the Word.” Acts 6:4
“praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18
Christians need to live their lives in prayer. We might have special times of devoted prayer, but also need to pair that with a lifestyle of prayer as we go through our day.
“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful, than that of a continual conversation with God; those only can comprehend it who practice and experience it.” – Brother Lawrence

Why Should We Pray Without Ceasing?
Prayer is how we talk to God. Pray is also how we listen to God. If we are in a relationship with someone, we talk with them.
If we want to know the heart and mind of God, then we need to talk to God. God uses prayer and the study of His Word to transform our hearts to be more like Him.
When We Pray Without Ceasing it is a sacred opportunity to …
Pray by Stepping Back
We can get caught up in a movement and react from fear, anxiety, or shame. Prayer allows us to pause and intentionally choose how we are going to respond. Rather than reacting from our sinful hearts, prayer and pausing allow us to choose a more faithful response.
Pray as You Go to Combat Loneliness & Connect with God
The irony of our busy lives is that we feel even less connected. All of the social media leaves us more vulnerable and lonely. The myriad of activities less us less time to form deep friendships and to really share with one another.
Thankfully, God never leaves us alone. God knows all of our broken places and loves us still. Prayer, as you go through your day, allows you to connect with a friend that will never leave you.

Pray to See How God Might Be at Work
When we give ourselves continually to prayer, we have an opportunity for God to show us how He might be doing a new work in our midst. We have so many built-in default reactions to situations, but sometimes we need to see things fresh from God’s perspective.
Praying constantly can keep our hearts open and humble to how we can serve others as we go through our day.
Related Reading: The Simple Power of the Examen Prayer for Moms
Pray Without Ceasing to Renew Our Purpose
Living in this world is tough. There feels like there are attacks on all sides. There are days that we likely wonder if we have made a difference for the Kingdom in all of our labors.
When our kids disobey and the pile of laundry seems endless, we wonder what we have to show for all our labor. The powers and principalities of this world do not seem to value the sacrifice and labor of mothers.
Mothers, like all missionaries, need to be in constant contact with the One who sent them for renewal of their purpose.

Pray to Give our Anxiety to the Lord
A lot of us suffer from anxiety and worry. We worry about our finances. We worry about our nation. We worry about our children’s safety. We worry even more about their salvation. More than that, we worry if we are good enough mothers, daughters, and wives.
Related Reading: 3 Tests to Know If Your Child is Saved & Ready for Baptism
So much that we struggle with, in our lives and in our hearts, steals our joy. We can find joy and peace in prayer. When worry, fear, and anxiety start to rise – pause and pray.
Pray Without Ceasing to Finally Break Habits
Habits are HARD to break. We have a habit of eating because we are anxious. You might have the habit of sleeping in too late and not having time to read your Bible in the morning.
We all have habits of yelling at our kids.
We struggle too with habits of numbing ourselves with Facebook or Instagram. A pattern of withdrawing from our spouse is also a reoccurring habit.
We break strongholds with the power of prayer! Prayer is how we overcome our sinful will and transform our hearts and minds to be like Christ.
Habits are broken by the choices that we make many times throughout the day, so we need to be praying always to break those habits.

Pray Without Ceasing to Scare the Devil
The Devil delights in wearing us down and in thwarting our call. He delights in making us feel distant from God.
When we are walking with God and talking with him regularly, he has less opportunity to do his work. The more we talk with God, the more we are transformed to be like God, and the more God can use us!
“The one concern of the Devil is to keep the saints from praying. He fears nothing from prayer-less studies, prayer-less work, prayer-less religion. He laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.” – Samuel Chadwick
How to Pray Without Ceasing?
Can I really pray anywhere? Some people struggle with praying unless the space is quiet and serene. I don’t get many of those opportunities at my house or in my day!

#1 Pray Without Ceasing in the Car
Instead of listening to the radio, talk to God. The people in the other car might think you are just singing along to the radio.
Please, pray with your eyes open!
#2 Pray Without Ceasing While Waiting
You can pray while waiting in line. You can pray while waiting for an appointment.
I carry earplugs and earphones with me to block out noises when I want to concentrate. Put on some instrumental praise music for free from YouTube and pray.
You can also write down your prayers to help you focus.
#3 Pray Without Ceasing While Working
Pray for your family while folding each member’s clothes. Pray while doing the dishes or cleaning.
We often have routine chores that don’t require much brainpower like sweeping the floor or mowing the lawn. Instead of listening to music or television, choose to talk to God.
“Solemnity is proper in church, but things that are proper in church are not necessarily proper outside, and vice versa. For example, I can say a prayer while washing my teeth, but that does not mean I should wash my teeth in church.” – C. S. Lewis

#4 Pray on a Break
Take a break and go pray. People take breaks for all kinds of reasons. Breaks actually help us focus more.
Use your break to pray. Get up and walk around your house or your office. Go to the bathroom if you need to in order to find a quiet space.
Step outside and breathe in some fresh air and spent 2 minutes in prayer.
#5 Pray Secretly in Plain Sight
Sometimes you are in a meeting or working with a group and you just need to pray. Write a prayer phrase in your notebook. Pretend you are taking notes and instead write a note to God.
Sing a phrase from a worship song silently to yourself. A line from a Taize song is a favorite of mine: “Within my darkest night, you kindle a fire that never lets me go – that never lets me go.”
Let Us Give Ourselves Continually to Prayer
We need to give ourselves to prayer. Praying continually means training our brains to turn to God and to focus on God.
Our minds and hearts are prone to wander. We are addicted to filling the spaces in our lives with things of the world.
Instead, let us choose to fill our ears with Christian music. Let us focus on what is pure, true, and lovely. Let us focus on the things of God.
Let us dive deep into a relationship with God. Relationships are built on deep conversation. May God speak to you and through you.
How are you going to pray without ceasing during your day?

The voice behind is Jyn. She is a veteran homeschool mom of three. More than just a pastor’s wife, she holds a Master of Divinity degree and has served in church leadership for over 20 years. Her passion is equipping parents to live out their calling as the number one faith influencer for their children. She longs to see moms empowered by God’s Word and transferring that love to their children through daily Bible study and family devotions.