Do you struggle with remembering what each book of the Bible is about? Especially the books of the Old Testament? Check out these Old Testament Summary Snippets to give you a short, memorable saying for each book.
Once you have memorized the books of the Old Testament, memorizing these Old Testament Book Snippets is the next step in laying a solid foundation for further learning.
If the Bible is the book we are going to base our lives on, we need to study it deeply. In-depth study begins with memorization of the order of the books and a little bit about each one.
I have dived into talking about Why We Need to Memorize the Books of the Bible. In the article on How to Memorize the books of the Bible, I set out four goals for memorization.
- Identify which books are Old Testament books and which are New Testament books.
- Understand the organization of the Old Testament books & New Testament books.
- Ability to locate the books with and without the table of contents.
- Remember a brief snippet regarding the central theme of each of the Old Testament books and New Testament books.
- Lay a foundation for appreciating and studying the Old Testament.
Make Connections with the Old Testament Summary Snippets
Once your child/student has memorized the books of the Old Testament books, she can start to connect information to those memory pegs that she has created.
For each of the Old Testament books, you will find a brief snippet that reflects a famous verse, character, or story. For some it an overarching theme and for others, just a word will do.
It can be so easy for the meaning of each of the Old Testament books to blur together, these snippets will help you have a concise summary of each book.
Groups of Old Testament Books
You will notice that the Old Testament books are gathered into groups. These groups are by the type of writing and its purpose: law, history, poetry, major prophets, and minor prophets.
Within these groups, you might also notice that some are clustered together even more.
You can find out more in my article Memorize the Books of the Old Testament which is packed with fun and proven ideas to help your child memorize the Old Testament books.
Old Testament Books Summary Snippets
The Books of the Law
- Genesis – The Beginning
- Exodus – Exit from Egypt
- Leviticus – Levites teach the people how to love God
- Numbers – Count the People
- Deuteronomy – The 2nd Law
Books of History
- Joshua – Leads people into the Promised Land
- Judges – Before a king, judges ruled
- Ruth – A gentile, King David’s great-grandmother
- 1st & 2nd Samuel – Prophet Samuel, King Saul, King David
- 1st & 2nd Kings – The Kings from Solomon to Exile
- 1st & 2nd Chronicles – From Adam to Solomon, an overview of the Old Testament
- Ezra – The people come back from exile; Ezra rebuilds their hearts.
- Nehemiah – Rebuilds the walls around Jerusalem.
- Esther – For such a time as this
Books of Poetry
- Job – Bad things happen, but we trust in God anyway
- Psalms – The songbook of the Bible
- Proverbs – Wise sayings of the Bible
- Ecclesiastes – Philosophy
- Song of Songs – We’ll study it when we’re older
Major Prophets
- Isaiah – Even youths grow tired and weary
- Jeremiah – Weeping Prophet, cried for the people
- Lamentations – Weep! The temple and Jerusalem are destroyed
- Ezekiel – Them bones, them bones, them dry bones…Oh hear the Word of the Lord
- Daniel – Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Roar!
Minor Prophets
- Hosea – God’s love is faithful
- Joel – Locusts! Repent!
- Amos – I am setting a plumb line among my people
- Obadiah – Doom of Edom
- Jonah – You can’t run away from God – Chomp!
- Micah – Hear! Listen! Who is like God?
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